
252 Game Reviews w/ Response

All 594 Reviews

This game shows great potential and I'd LOVE to be able to advance further in it and give a more detailed review, but the difficulty of the first two levels alone made me crumble like a cookie xD
Here's what I think you did well and what could be improved on to make the game a bit more interesting:

+The game's art looks quite decent
+The level design is also alright. There are traps, enemies, spots which test whether you can double jump / fight
+Game seems to have a lot of potential
-The enemy just kills you too easily. Could be fixed by giving your character extra lives.
-The controls aren't very smooth and responsive. For this type of game it's important to have the controls react very accordingly to your input since one mistake can change everything.
-It's just too frustrating for me xD

If you're planning on improving on this game and making it easier / more pleasing in some places, then I'd be willing to give it another go ^_^ Nevetheless, well done ! ;)

IceDrumGames responds:

Great thanks for your feedback, it means a lot for me! I will work on improvement!

Wow, glad to see you back after such a while with a new game ^_^ ( last time I reviewed a game of yours was about two years ago, now that's a time gap ... 0_0 )

This is a neat arcade shooter with quite impressive visuals, however, I feel like the game could be slightly improved regarding the gameplay/controls aspect of it.

Controls feel a bit clunky, I'd suggest making the ship move somewhat faster and making the bullets a thicker so everything feels better at hand.
As for the gameplay, I'd suggest adding some powerups and more enemies ( in case there aren't anymore ) because the beginning is a bit bland, having to shoot at that army of enemies without anything else entertaining besides having to dodge those moving platforms.

Anyways, keep up the good work ! ;) With some small tweaks here and there this could be made into an amazing game ;^)

anty21ro responds:

Thank you for your review. I am glad you played it.
I made this game for GGJ19 in a rush because Construct 3 has full access for the time this event runs.
I only decided yesterday to start working on it and I know it lacks a lot of things, I wish I had the time to add that tone of stuff I was thinking :) .
I am working on a bigger game for some time now so I hope the next one I'll post it on Steam .

Holy macaroni! 0_0 This game is a lot cooler than I had expected. It has a neat artstyle with an epic menu screen, and there is also a good ammount of abilities you can use in here. The stages are interesting & unique, too.
One sad thing is that it is a multi-player game and I, as a sad, lonesome and shut-in gamer have trouble playing games like these by myself xD ( unless I use both of my hands ) A single-player mode would be quite cool. Maybe with a story, too ? :^

Overall, you did a phenomenal job on this as your first submission on the site! Even though I didn't get to experience much from the game, I really liked it and it seems like you put a good ammount of effort into it. Good job ;P

pridesoul responds:

Hola lllTesTerlll, muchas gracias por tu comentario, lo agaradezco mucho,
no tenia mucho tiempo a lo ultimo de terminar el juego
y tampoco supe como programar el juego para un solo jugador o cambiarlo a dos,
de hecho iba a poner dos personajes mas super geniales pero no supe como programarlos :,( sin embargo estoy feliz por haberlo publicado aqui en newgrounds.com, muchas gracias Att: Soulgames Derechosdeautor y agradecimientos para scirra.com (compañia que facilito el programa construct 2 para poder realizar este juego de plataformas

This is a neat-looking platformer game, but it seems quite rushed...
The one thing you managed really well in this game is the graphics, the artstyle is flat and simplistic but still looks quite neat, I'd love if my own game had an artstyle like this consistently.

But the ridiculous speed at which your character moves along with the copy+pasted platforms and cog wheels make the game somewhat rough to play, and I just played it really briefly and wasn't able to get to the portal or anything like that, it was just too far and always the same challenge... I'd suggest balancing the gameplay out, with less character speed, more variety and a zoomed out view ( it's rather close )

Anyways, I hope that you're fine with my review on this and will try to improve further on this game or learn your mistakes so they won't happen in the next game ;)

RlcZyro responds:

Hi! I have expanded the FOV and slowed down movement speed. Tell me if you think that it could be adjusted still.

What a nice step forward from your previous work ^_^ Feels more or less like a polished game ( well, still missing some bits, but atleast it's... something xD ) and it playing it is quite fun too. I'd suggest sticking to improving on this game rather than making a new one unless you want it to be a completely different genre. This one has good core game components.

There were some minor bugs, like one time I respawned and my arm was kinda blocking the view when I was holding the pistol and for a second I thought that I respawned with a bazooka instead of a pistol, but it was just my character's huge arm in the way xD

Also, are the players on the map real online players? Or did you program them

As always, well done on this! You're making cool games so far :) If you ever need help or advice, you can ask me, I'd like to help ;P

RlcZyro responds:

Thanks for your 4 star rating! The player are AI but I'm trying to implement a multiplayer mode. Also I will keep working on this project and most likely won't be starting any knew ones soon.
BTW the bug with the arm I am working on but in game it can be fixed by changing between guns.

Nice shooter game prototype! Some of the gameplay elements here are VERY reminiscent of other shooter games that I've tried, but... whatever :D
The game responds to my input very well and looks decent too, but it lacks some gameplay elements to make it more interesting and enjoyable. Hopefully it'll come soon ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )

Your games so far might seem a bit lacking in features to call them "full games", but they are great prototypes for creating something bigger and better! Definitely keep that up, and continue improving on your games and coming up with great ideas like that! ;)

RlcZyro responds:

Again, thank you for your feedback. I have recently added new features but currently I am having some problems with publishing them but they will be out soon!

Wow, seems like I ended up at the right place xD The reviews mention that this is reminiscent of "Super Hexagon" and I totally have to agree. Did you get inspired by it or is it mere coincidence that the games are so similar ? (though, I'd be very surprised if this was the case :D)

The game looks alright so far, but the leaderboards don't work yet properly ( though I assume you are working on them now) and the game seems a bit bland overall. Adding more achievements, colors, gameplay elements etc. would definitely spice things up ^_^

Anyways, good job on this so far ;)

RlcZyro responds:

Thanks for the feedback! And yes I was inspired by super hexagon.

Well, I mean, the game was programmed very well, there are no bugs or errors to be seen and the level progression/enemy generation worked fine too, but the idea of the game wasn't executed to well in my opinion ...

It takes away lots of fun not being able to control your hero other than giving him some potions from time to time. Sometimes, this mechanic might work, but if you don't have any enemy sprites and art to please the eyes during that time then it simply gets boring extremely quick ...

I have no idea how the game changes as you get further or how the premium version differs from this one, but just from the initial impression I don't think it's very well thought out.

Overall, this seems like a game with great potential, but it's execution just isn't very good. Adding more gameplay elements, art etc. would truly make this feel like a more addictive and fun RPG ;^)

JasonNumberThirteen responds:

Yeah, you may be right. Being honestly I took the mechanics as a main priority. I wanted to make this text-based and could be boring. Next time I'll just take your advices to make things better and that's it. Thanks for you honest opinion. I must always know what I have done wrong.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)





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