This is perfect for your first game! I got addicted and played it for 30 minutes without even noticing it!
Great game, only things you could improve is changing the level design and picking different songs.
Good job! ;)
This is perfect for your first game! I got addicted and played it for 30 minutes without even noticing it!
Great game, only things you could improve is changing the level design and picking different songs.
Good job! ;)
Thanks! That's very encouraging :) I appreciate the point you raise with level design, I'll have a think about how I can make that more interesting!
Nice! The grapchics are very well made and dodging the eyes feels great in the first 5 minutes!
Good job! But I have a quetion:
*What does the CODE do? I bought one but nothing has changed.
Adding more gameplay elements, things to buy and some powerups would be great!
Thanks for the feedback! Maybe it wasnt so clear on the "How to play?" menu, but you can write the code you got in the menu to have visual changes on your game! (You have to write it on the square under the Dodo!). Regarding the gameplay changes, Im actually planning on giving each "code" a special ability or something like that. Thanks again!
Nice and cool game! It is really fun to play and I, as a guy who does not have English as his first language, can learn some new words for myself by playing this game:)
Great work! A "hint" button that gives you hints of forming a new word (every 25 seconds) would be great! Because when I can not find anymore words I just sit and wait for one minute until the timer goes out.
Thanks for your comment and glad u enjoyed the game ;)..a few tips for you: try to press a shuffle button in the top left shuffles the letters and it very often helps you to come out with new words :)..The second tip is: if you want to end the game and submit your score (without waiting until the end of the time limit) press the green tick button in the top right corner :)
I would give it a lower rating, but I wont because I played it only for 5 minutes and it probably gets interesting as time goes on, you never know. One thing that really annoyed me was when I attacked the enemy with the katana: I die anyways from the explosion, and I did not beat any enemies with the katana without dieng, there is probably a big hitbox glitch or something.
Anyways, interesting concept! :)
Ive had similar issues, will deff be looking into. Thank you!
Great game! I sadly have not played the original so I will make sure to do that right now, this game looks REALLY cool :D
Give the whole Riddle series a whirl if you have a few hours to set aside. It's well worth it!
Very good for a first game! I did not come across any bugs, and here are some things to improve:
*Add more decorations and more colour schemes to the game
*A animation where the enemies explode would also be appreciated
*Maybe some powerups and bosses?
Good job!;)
I think I will add some powerups and animations. Maybe more music. Thanks for the review
Awesome game! One of my favorite games on NG and yes, please do a sequel! :)
This game was lots of fun and did not require lots of memorization, so I would not really call this a hard rage game. Great job! :)
Thanks man! I probably will, seeing people like you enjoying my game really motivates me. :)
Also if you'd like to keep updated on my work consider becoming a fan. You'll get updates about it in your homepage that way.
Pretty good game, the track is quite catchy and I like the way the screen shakes when you shoot.
Some important details are missing, here are some:
*Add more "level design" or something. Kinda boring.
*Add more weapons. While I played the game I got only 2, maybe there are more, but make them atleast easier to get please.
*Character select?
*Bosses would be awesome!
Anyways, great job! And also, one question: After I died the game froze and I had to restart the page, is that meant to be so or did I get unlucky?
Thanks for this awesome review! A lot of your suggestions would be really cool and I will definitely keep them in mind when making games in the future. And I think you just got unlucky, it's never frozen for me. Sorry about that :/ Anyways thanks again for the review :)
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Joined on 5/12/16