Hey everyone! I'd like to make a short post here where I talk about the three things mentioned in the title.
Well, first of all, the legendary swedish DJ, Avicii, died in Oman two days ago being 28 years old. He was a very inspiring musician and it was really hard for me to belive once I read it, but it is true, and it seems like more and more famous and encouraging people have been leaving us recently... :(
The other thing I've noticed today as I woke up surprised me quite a bit: I'm the User of the Day for the Aprill 22, 2018! I've seen quite a few people on the top of the Community hub which were standing there as the users of the day. I also wished to appear there one day, and well, today is my lucky day for that, I guess... ;)
For the last point I'd like to mention that May 12th of this year will mark the day on which I've created my Newgrounds account two years ago, on May 12, 2016. It's been such an insane journey and I'm happy to see how many different people and unique projects I got to see in that time. I'm hoping for a continuously improving future as of now =)
have a nice user of the day
Thanks ^_^